URBAN SETTLAH In An Exclusive Interview With Topstories Magazine

URBAN SETTLAH  is a recording and Performing Gospel  spoken word  and a Holy Hip Hop artist based in Nairobi, Passionate about pushing God's agenda "Winning souls to Christ through spoken word and holy Hip Hop" for his own glory !......Born and brought up in Machakos county and his music is founded in four main issues Peace love hope and Restoration and revolves around  the four issues. Topstories Magazine on this exclusive chat fished out all you need to know about him.

 By Erick Mutinda 

Kindly describe  your self  and elaborate a bit about your journey in  music  industry

My name is Felix Wambua born n brought up in machakos...Urban settlah is my music name a born again recording and performing Gospel artist based in Nairobi.
I have  had the privilege to perform in major events some of them being 2013/2014 K-krews Totally Sold out ,Golden platform concert 2015,Groove Tour 2016 #Machakos edition being the most memorable so far.
Also I am a great designer with interests in the fashion he has started his own cloth line #Urban Closet Designs. I’m a diploma holder in radio programs production from Kenya Institute of Mass Communication.

I grew up in a Christian family and before I embarked fully in Music my dad has never imagined I would be a musician for he was always against it to first pursue education have several singles out which all their inspiration is the word of God. With two videos kimbilio and rejesha my music ministry so far has received an interesting reception.
I also run a peace initiative...Mtaa Kwa Mtaa peace campaign based  on spreading the gospel of peace in the family church and the nation at large and derived from Matthew 5:9. It's a theme song for a peace campaign i initiated back in 2012 just before elections. The aim of the campaign is to spread the gospel of peace in this land and beyond.
Through this campaign we managed to create awareness in the church throughout Nairobi that peace is a necessity in the growth of any organization, family, church and the nation at large. Seeing my first video out was a miracle and i bless God for it's not been that easy!.... four years ago watching my family break-up and our parents’ divorce at a time we needed them very much, it really frustrated us especially me being the firstborn. This brings the backbone of spreading the Gospel of peace since i believe if a family will stand and have peace love and unity, the Church and the Nation at large will stand strong and enjoy its cultural differences.

Rejesha is my current project (Joel 2:25) and it’s all about the restoration of God to us in all that we've lost.It is a testimony of how I have seen God restore many things I have ever wished they would come to pass. Getting to see God allow me pay my college fee and get my diploma after two years after graduation is a testimony.  Im grateful to be involved in the ministry field and I’ve been privileged to participate in children home missions, school missions with kubamba missions team as a volunteer and many other opportunities that God has brought by the virtue of being passionate about Gospel Music Ministry.
The church has played a major role in making who i amfor it has created the foundation of serving God.

When did urban settlah start singing?
My music began sometimes back in form 2 in a group called King's messengers.....we used to entertain parents during school events then I learned I had a passion for music.But my main pursuance of music began in 2012....where I did a peace song ( Mtaa kwa Mtaa) for a campaign and an initiative I run called #MtaaKwaMtaa peace campaign.

What inspires you to do Music.

I'm inspired by the word of God, daily life situations and through that all I've realized n my music revolves around tackling Love, hope, peace and Restoration.

Your life has had a story can you brief me on that.

I come from a family of two parents n I'm a first born to a brother. Life has been awesome growing in a Christian foundation n each day is always a new experience. Our parents separated 3years ago n at that time i was a student at Kenya institute of mass communication.That one lead me drop out of college because of the family dissagreements, it wasn't easy starting anew chapter of struggle in Nairobi..
I started doing some casual work earning as little as 100 per day but through it all God has been my hiding refuge for he has been faithful and the Church has been a pillar too.

What are some of the songs you have done.

My first video is called Kimbilio which paved the way and Rejesha which is a testimony of many things I've seen and experienced God restoring in my life.

Why did you opt to do Gospel music?

Being a young person born again and my Christian upbringing has had a tremendous role in making me understand that there is a generation God has entrusted me with that I have to address through what I experience daily .

How can you describe your music?

I began as a poet and led to loving Hiphop and for sometime did Hiphop songs and even referred myself as a Gospel Hiphop  artist because as I came to Nairobi I found myself listening a lot to ukoo flani mau mau, kalamashaka, wenyeji and Juliani and Ekko Dyda....But with time I've grown musically and fused poetry with rap and I can  say I do more of kapuka.

I pray, study the word and  songs just come in my dreams and whenever that happens I wake up and sing it and record them on my phone.

Also being a poet, I love rhyming a lot so sometimes I encounter situations and words start coming I find myself free styling even in a public place.

Rejesha....has been my all time song with it,  God has enabled me to share stage with the great artists we have in Kenya right now.

 I have had a chance to perform at #Kkrews #TotallySoldOut #NewYearCrossoverConcert , #GoldenPlatform2015  #2015Extreem award nominee as the new male artist in Nairobi and collabo of the year nominee  #xtreem award 2015....with #2016Groove Tour performance being the most memorable....it has received a great airplay too and I'm thankful to God and all who have supported me.

10.How has been the journey in the industry and what are some of the achievement and challenges you have come a cross?

Its been a nice experience sailing through challenges though I'm ever grateful God has been faithful. More of it has been letting people believe that I have what it takes to be among the best , financial challenge since its not cheap to have quality music.. My achievements are now I'm a designer and business man. I run a cloth line called urban closet design's where I sell my own products and also do events. I'm also working with a YouTube aggregator company where we manage and help artists and other people with YouTube accounts grow their products and reach out to their esteemed clients.

Would you conclude that music was your first career dream.

I grew loving media hence pursued radio journalism which I've graduated in given a chance I'll b a radio host which I love up to now. and music for now its everything.

How is the fans reaction towards your music.

Its been so inspiring getting appreciation and applause from different people of different age groups who love my music.

Who is your role model.

Juliani and Ekko Dyda.

Who is that artist you wanna do a collabo with

In Kenya I would go for Juliani, Daddy Owen or Mercy Masika. and in Tanzania would go for Christina Shusho, Ghana would go for an artist called Baaz.

Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years...

Have a family. Cloth grear men n women with my designs, Run a radio show And conquer Africa musically for God's glory.

What's your advice to upcoming artists.

Acknowledge God and he'll make you understand your purpose in music and you'll not struggle to be like anyone.

Any upcoming projects.

I'm about to release a new video for my new song.

.What's your parting shot.

I believe the world is yet to see what God has entrusted me with.
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