It is very important we learn how to effectively manage our stress life, if we are going to be productive. Productivity is the driver of Success. The following are effective ways to manage stress:

GOOD MUSIC: Research as shown that listening to great music, helps to lower blood pressure, reduce the impact of the stress hormone "Cortisol".

TAKE A SHOWER: This has particularly been of help to me, several times. Do me a favour, the next time you are stressed up - Jump in the bathtub. 

EXERCISE: Obtain an exercise regimen or program that you follow religiously every day. It might be walking ten minutes down the street  or doing 50 pushups. Whatever it is; you need one. Exercise helps to improve blood flow which is characterised by the release of "endorphins". Endorphins help you stay excited.

EAT/FEED WELL: A lot of times, stress is associated with poor feeding. How much do you understand about Diet and Nutrition? You should know something about the food you are eating. It will help in your food ration towards balanced diet.

LAUGH AND LAUGH: You should watch good comedy movies or shows. They work like magic! Hang around great friends who are comic in nature. You can decide to hang out with them in your stress period

TAKE A DEEP BREATH : Deep breathing increases the oxygenation of the blood. This usually results in feeling of excitement when rightly done.

We can never be done with stress. Being stressful shows you are busy doing something. But you`ve got to learn to manage stress because if you don`t manage it, it will manage you: making you handicapped in the face of  your dreams hence the need for this write-up. Put the keys into use, I am sure you will definitely increase in Productivity.
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