Oscar Pistorius gets 6-year jail term for murder, state may appeal

Oscar Pistorius has been be sentenced to six years in jail for the 2013 murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Pistorius, who claimed he thought Ms Steenkamp was an intruder when he shot her dead at his home in 2013, was originally sentenced to five years in prison in October 2014 and subsequently released on house arrest 12 months later.
However, his initial conviction of culpable homicide for killing the model was upgraded to murder last December by South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal.
In his closing argument on Wednesday, June 15, state prosecutor Gerrie Nel said Judge Masipa now had no choice but to start with a 15-year sentence, the minimum term for murder in South Africa.
Many have expressed shock at Oscar Pistorius' sentence, which is much less than the prescribed minimum for murder here. South Africans also took to social media to express their unhappiness, with some describing the prison term as an insult. 
Outside court, legal experts also said the sentence was too lenient.

"The judge was sympathetic and empathetic to Pistorius. It was clear in the tone of her entire judgement," one said. 
But Judge Masipa said she carefully considered the circumstances around Reeva Steenkamp's death and her sentence needed to be fair to both Pistorius and the family of the deceased. She told the court she did not believe that a lengthy sentence was in the interests of justice. 
South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and some say a short sentence will send the wrong message to would-be offenders.
The Pistorius family though may breathe a small sigh of relief. If the term is unchallenged the athlete, known as the "blade runner", would have to serve only half of his term to be eligible for parole - that means he could be home in three years' time.
However, Roux said no purpose would be served by sending the 29-year-old back to jail, arguing he should instead perform community service.

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