Baaz NPK : Ghanaian , Gifted Gospel Artiste Taking Africa for God in an exclusive chat with Topstories

God-praising songs are easily recognizable because of the passion and clarity with which they are delivered. Song after song, ministration after ministration, Baaz NPK a Ghanian Gospel artiste continues to blaze the trail for other gospel music artistes to follow. Topstories Magazine catch up with him in  busy schedule for an exclusive chat.

By Erick Mutinda

Who is Baaz NPK

I am an Artiste From West Africa, Ghana called by God to inspire the youth towards excellence and a Balanced Christian life through music .

When did you start music
I started doing music professionally in 2008 but music has been with we since birth. 

How has the journey been 
Great. God has been good to me despite the challenges. My Songs are played across Africa and I'm receiving Testimonies from a lot of people day in day out.
What is your style of music 
I do urban Gospel Rap. But I don't restrict my self to one genre of music. You will find a little rock, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Reggae and the likes in some of my songs.

What inspired you to do music 
The love of God and the hunger to feed the masses with the word of God. As the Bible says we should Go into the world and make believers of The Gospel.  

To date how many songs have you done 

A lot, I started out with a Group called Smack Soldiers which later Changed to Smack Soldiers Music Group (SSMG). 

You have a new song 'Grace' that is a hit. What is the concept behind it 

Yes the Grace song is really a hit indeed. That song came about when I was at a point in life where everything was not going right. I had finished university but the school refused to give me my certificate so I wasn't able to get a Job. And the business I started with my life savings came crashing down. But God lifted his hand and changed my situation. So the concept was the Grace That God showed me. 

How did you get involved into music industry 

I was Called by God to Do his work.

Is there a song that you love best , And why 

No pls , I love all my songs, I see them as my babies. Each one of them touches me in a special way. 

Why do you enjoy Raping/Singing 

I enjoy it I because  believe in Expanding the Kingdom of God so anything for my maker. 

Many artiste want to do a collabo with you how can they get you 

Just hit me up on social media (Facebook Twitter Instagram) my handle is @baazworld or whatsapp +233266625521 If the concept is good and the spirit of God says yes who am I to say no.
In which area of your music will you like to improve 

I'm lead by the Spirit of God so I do as he says. But I really won't to delve deeper into the word to bring out the rhema to God's people .

Can you briefly engange our readers on the process of you making your song 

Firstly, after the spirit of God drops  chorus/concept into my spirit. I take it to the producer to program the beat. I then add the rap and bridge and proceed to recording. After recording I fast and Pray for One Week asking God to take over the song and let his power be infused with the song. 

What are some of the challenges you have faced in this industry

A lot I must say. But I don't focus on them much. I just leave it to God to fight my battles for me. 

What are some of your memorable moments 

When am on stage and the spirit of God moves over the Crowd and also when I hear the testimonies about how people are been touched by my songs. 

Whats your advice to aspiring artiste 

Read the word, Pray and most importantly offer your all in all to Christ and allow him to Use you as a vessel

Who are the artist you would like to Work with 

Well I will like to work with Bishop Abrah and Kriastkid from Tanzania. Urban Settlah ,David Devine, Josh Kray, from Kenya And anyone who is talented and has the hunger to win souls or admonish the kingdom of God , because I have followed their ministry and I know how passionate they are about God

Any upcoming project 

Yes ! I have a song I will be dropping on the 14th of August titled He's Alive Also another song titled higher soon And a musical tour too 

Whats your partying shot 

Stay blessed, keep following Jesus Christ and do your best to expand the kingdom of God.
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