Shadrack Mwongela A Kenyan Gospel Musician and Film Producer In a chat with Topstories Magazine

  Shadrack Mwongela  is a gospel musician and a  film producer  in Kenya, who started writing music Way back in primary school, he spoke to Topstories Magazine extensively about his music , video production and where he learnt his skils.

By Erick Mutinda

Who is Shadrack Mwongela ?

Shadrack Mwongela is just a simple lad, son of a King (1st Peter 2:9),a last born in a family of 6,a Cinematographer a gospel artist and a graduate in Journalism & Mass communication from Mku thika.

When did your start doing film production  and song writing ?

I started writing music Way back in primary school.I could pick a song that I love and then convert it to a gospel song with my own lyrics.That was before I started composing my own songs at the age of 12.

I started filming way back in 2013. This was after I quit my job at a local TV station. I didn't know much about filming then, so I just go to the cyber and download loads of tutorials that I used to equip myself.I also thank one guy, Mr. Muigai Ndung'u better known as Mchoro Pictures who I approached through Facebook and he took me in to his company and gave me the practical skills in filming and production.

 What are some of those song you have written and sang as an artist ?

I've written over 150 songs but  only have a few released so far. Shukuru Mola, which I wrote back in High school, Philemoni (a song dedicated to my elder bro) and now Radhi (which am working on the video).

 Your  daily   activities seems to  revolve around film production and music whats the idea behind your passion for both ?

Music is something that I just can't live without, I eat and live music. music and film production pays my bills and most of all, it's something that am so passionate about. I just can't be without music.

Your have fixed the Tenzi song Salama Rohoni , the song is great, in brief, why did you select the Tenzi rather than create  a new one ?

Actually I didn't do the song, Salama Rohoni... a great friend of mine, Sheddy of Servant's records did it. Shaddy Mtumishi directed the video, Sheddy sang and produced the audio. I've gotten so many calls and inboxes in Facebook from people telling me how the song is great but just to Clarify this, I only did the video.

You have worked with some big stars in gospel music ministry how has it been and for the benefit of our readers who are this artist you are working with ?

Well it's been a great learning experience working with big names in the Kenyan industry but what gives me satisfaction is working with up and coming artists.

This is where real talent is. There's nothing more satisfying to me than being used by God as bridge to link up young talent to their Destiny...I love working with young talent. 

Witt the short time that I've been in the industry, I've been privileged to work with Solomon Mukubwa, David Kasika, Ali Mukhwana, Pst. Tumaini and I also got a project coming up with Danny Gift and also some few other surprises from big names in the industry.

 An artist sneaked in a secret that you made him videos for free, how true is this and what motivated you to this ?

Well, that's true.. I've done some several videos for free.To me, I believe in being blessed  to be a blessing so when an artist approaches me and then explain their situation to me, I'll try and help out if I am in a position  to do so but that doesn't mean that I work for free heheheh, mziki ndo waleta Riziki kwa hiyo usije kwangu na mioto ukidhani basi, Shaddy ni mkarimu atanitua hilo zigo.. It depends on your situation.

Where do you see yourself in the coming years ?

Wow, in the coming years, I see myself having been a big blessing to the talented artists in Kenya and beyond. I want to impact as many lives as possible in this generation through music and filming.I see myself as one of the most sought after video director in the region and Mish Magic going international. 

You have used the name Mtumishi where did this nick name originate from ?

Heheheh, Mtumishi is a name that came along while I was still living in Mombasa. A friend of mine by the name Nouh who was then a youth minister started calling me that and the name just stuck. 

 What has been the fondest memory in the industry ?

Fondest memory has to be my first video to do as a solo project. 

I was doing a video for David Kasika & Solomon Mukubwa and I remember that day, I didn't have even a play back radio so we I had to use my kamchina phone to play the music.

The best thing about it is, I remember Solomon Mukubwa telling me, 'usiwe na wasiwasi kaka yangu, tutatumia simu lakini bado roho atashuka'. Believe it or not, roho alishuka and after the video, Both David Kasika and Solomon Mukubwa got nominated in groove awards in the same category (East and Central African artist of the year) which Solomon won. 

 Many artist  out there  wishes  to have their songs produced but lack  finances,  whats your word to them ?

My word to them is, just don't give up. Pursue your dream, cultivate and nature it and then when the time comes, God will surely take you out there. 

What should your fans expect from you ?

I got so much in store man, They should now expect to see Shaddy the artist in full swing with positive music, content rich and true Jesus music. 

Production wise, we taking things to a whole new level... Magic is what I make, and more magic is what I will continue to make.Siko kwenye Sanaa ya uandalizi wa video na mziki kushinda na yeyote yule bali kuwa baraka kwa kizazi hiki. 

Whats your partyings shot ?

Parting shot'I returned and saw under the sun that—
The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill;
But time and chance happen to them all.' Ecclesiastice 9:11

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