University commission says online degrees 'unacceptable' in Nigeria

The Nigerian government has come with another one again. The National Universities Commission (NUC) has declared that online degrees will remain unacceptable in Nigeria in yet another attempt to try to control what does need to be controlled.

According to the great Commission, the only online degree acceptable is the e-learning programme of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Why? Well, your guess is as good as mine.
In a statement, Ibrahim Usman Yakasai, Director of Information and Public Relations at the NUC,  also said that the only other institutions endorsed for e-learning programs are University of UyoUsmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, and theUniversity of Maiduguri.
Online degrees are not accepted at the moment in Nigeria," Yakasai said in the statement.
However, this does not include the approved Nigerian universities’ e-Learning programme run within the shores of Nigeria.

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

The Nigerian universities e-Learning programme is a legitimate and well thought out pilot e-learning initiative. It is a Public Private Partnership between the National Universities Commission (NUC), Park Associates E-Learning Group and four federal universities.
The commission wishes to use this medium to allay all fears and doubts concerning the legitimacy or NUC endorsement of the Nigerian universities’ e-Learning Programme.
Students in the programme are urged to continue to pursue their studies without fear and prospective applicants are encouraged to enrol.
Many stakeholders have already come out to condemn this stance by the NUC and some have even tagged it as "anti-progressive." How much of an impact this has on Nigeria's already terrible unemployment and education ratings is yet to be seen. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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