Interview With Uganda Music Producer Mr right beat - Topstories Magazine

His finger have been said to have the key power in making of beats dubbed by many as Mr right beat,the Uganda based producer  is the best thing many artist are having ,his passion speaks louder and behind a great music is a great producerMr right beat  exclusive interview with Topstories Magazine spoke deeply regarding artist and branding in their music career.

By Erick Mutinda

In  brief who is Mr right beat.

A recording producer, I am humble, still single and aspires to be best producer in Africa.

When did you start producing music.

 I began officially in 2014.

Its 2 years since you kicked start your career, what has been the driving force behind this success.

I am passionate about my job,it amazes me where  I get such motivation from but all in all I had a dream once and I think its what I am living for now.

Great to hear of this passion towards music.You have worked with the industry big wigs, how has it been and in your own perception what attracts them to you .

I love how many artist present theirselves ,their behaviors are stunning  and  I guess what attracts them to me is the confidence they have in my work as a producer.

So despite of all this good deed that your career had offer, what are some of the challenges you face in day to day running your business as a producer .

I am challenged as a producer with how artist mostly don't want to promote  their work,but what relieves me is that my artist  seem to have  coped.

With such an argument Mr right beat are you insinuating that in  real sense their music isn't getting much airplay as needed .

Yes I am,some good tunes never get to see the light of the day because media houses want to exploitcoins from us before getting our music on air.

Apart from artist doing awesome and content packed music in your own thoughts what do you think they need to spice up in the music for a much bigger market sell .

 With good branding of self,artist can sell their music in deluge, therefore my opinion  to them is that, spicing up branding in their music can earn them a great deal .

 Who are some of the artist you work  with .

Levixone, Colifixe, Robinson, Fenrico Lugga, paddyman, hunx, lena Price, Petermiles, Noman Kays, Tripple J, King Saha, king Buka  and D'Titus Inspekta ,just to mention but a few.

Whats your advice for up coming artist  and those  who want become a producer .

Its simple first you have to find yourself and know which is the right person to mentor you as an artist and help you realize your dreams .

 If you had that chance to change  something what will it be .

 If there is something to be improved its branding of Uganda music

 What are some of the fondest memory in your career.

 Most fondest is when I got a job in a much bigger studio.

 You ending words to our readers.

 Lets join hands in supporting and taking our music to the next level as passionate.
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