When organizing for a pool party,watch out for the following:

NO GLASS-BOTTLED DRINKS: For your safety as well as your Guests`, avoid glass-bottled drinks like plague to  guard against injuries.

TRY NOT TO EAT JUST BEFORE SWIMMING: Eat several minutes before taking to the pool. The pool is never a place to get drowsy, which is one thing you get when swim immediately after eating.

AGE RESTRICTION: Plan your party according to the invited age groups, set out rules and safety measures specific to the age group you expect.

CHOOSE NYLON CLOTHES OVER COTTON: Nylon clothes don’t sag in water, they absorb little water , hence important for swimming safe in water.

LIFEGUARDS: Ensure you have enough lifeguards in case of emergency. It is very important.

I wish you a successful pool party!
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