We have to learn and accept the naked truth that the political miscreants called politicians are only in positions to chiefly enrich themselves. Umpteenth malfeasance of them can give testament to the fact that the political elites has turned the country to their private estates that they feed fat on.

The government is there to represent the interests of the political elites who are the handful segment of the populace.

They would keep feigning fake interventions and unsuitable palliative measure to continue to short changed us and robbed us of our national characters.
The struggle is real! The pain is apparent! The hardship is becoming tense!
We as people have the obligations to start to press home our demands through severe mainstream movement to extricate ourselves in the hands of monstrous political saboteurs.

Our people needs to gathered in mass to rescue this nation from political miscreant called politicians who has over time sell falsehoods and mischievous agenda to us to secure the magnanimity of their personal estates of wealth.

The old days should have withered out and extinct that will nurse political silence and cheap acceptance to the ways and manners the so crops of leaders steer the ship of the nation. We have to gear up massive strengths and patriotic quotas in liberating this nation from imminent comatose.
If we keep silencing our views on how we are being govern in this terrible conditions then more and ample of pervasive woes is bound to befall us. Let's ignite our actions now, to save this current generation and our progeny
We need a mass base movement to engineer change that would drive home the populace needs!

If we failed to rescue the agglomerate entity called Nigeria, posterity would never forgive us and our consciences would continue to spank our existence.

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