Steven Lazaro A Tanzanian Movie producer in an interview with Topstories

Films and movies are all about passing information to the society,in Africa the filming industry has continued to grow and attract masses who either join as actors ,producer or even script writers,in what now seems as lucrative adventure.
Erick Mutinda of Topstories Magazine dug deep into  Tanzania movie industry known as Swahilihood and had a chat with Steven Lazaro a budding producer and script writter famous for the production of films like Millioni  30 and the latest yet to be released Malipo Halali.

Many people have interacted you regarding  your work and perhaps some may still not have a clue about your person,can you brief introduce yourself 

My name is Steven Lazaro , I am a Tanzanian script writer and also a film producer and director ,I also  act in some instance.

You have a new film titled Malipo Halali, whats it the concept behind it 

Malipo Halali is my new movie,it talk more about general life ,the desire for money and the harm of forgetfulness  it bears,actually  its a  life story that makes people to learn on how to live in society ,it is my hope that people will at least grab a lesson or two  from it .

 When did you start making films and what were some of the process this course of work entailed 

This is my third year in the film industry ,but in production I started last year when I released my own film titled Millioni 30,the film featured Eisha Buheti ,Mohammed Fungafunga and Aunty Ezekiel.

For instance your work Millioni 30 had a wide reception did you anticipate and why?

Yes i had anticipated that it would have viewership,since the movie was filmed at the heart of what is considered the normal happening in our families, so I can accredit the viewership to issue the film was addressing .

Did you perhaps hope to consolidate  in terms of addressing  this generation when directing the films

Ooh yes, I intend to teach the society through my movie  how our lives should be of morals,  and any directing I do ,the moral agenda must pop since we are not only addressing this generation but the society in general.

Who and what were some of your major influences when you started out

My  influence emanated from the movies I used to watch and also the character displayed by various actors and actress.

Do you have a favorite actor or actress you would love to work with over and over

 I had a liking for the late Kanumba ,but now I look and would love to work over and over with the Kenyan born Oscar award winning actress Lupita Nyongo.

Its obvious you have aspiration for your work, for the benefit of our readers bring us up to date 

I feel good when I work in my career so I have decided to participate and put more energy and power on what I do
so that I can work harder and harder daily.

How successful do you feel in your endeavor 

My previous work have been precursor of hard and well done job so from the reception, I feel my work is successful because it has received wide appreciation and followers.

What inspirational word would you give an upcoming director

To my fellow upcoming producers unity is important for success and growth, production and directing need patience so we should never loose hope and also our work should depict respect.

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