My Aunt Has Been Molesting Me Sexually' Should I Do IT With Her?

"My name is Dubem, a 26-year-old graduate of a private university in Nigeria. Without being immodest, I will say I am a handsome guy and having taken to body building in school, most people think I am a hunk, though I do not describe myself that way.

Added to that, I have had some modelling endorsement here and there, though I do not plan to make that a profession. The problem I have is that girls have always been after me, with many coming out in the open to tell me they would not mind having sex with me, not least my aunt, Clara, who has been harassing life out of me.
Aunt Clara is my mother's last stepsister and she is just two years younger than me but from every indication, she is world wise and everything about her tells of a loose lady. She schooled in a university in Ghana and came back last year after she graduated and has been living with us in Lagos.
The problem started right from the first day Clara came into our house as she became attached to me, making sure she seized every opportunity to be with me. If she had anywhere to go to, she insisted I drove her there and initially, I always took delight in driving her around town because she is very vivacious, pretty and carefree.
But all that changed when she started doing things only a girlfriend would do to her boyfriend, like giving me unexpected pecks, at times on my lips, touching me affectionately and calling me romantic names.
One day, we were watching a movie in my room and when it got to a romantic scene, she suddenly grabbed me and planted a kiss on my lips. I was shocked and asked her why she did that and she confessed that she was in love with me and wanted me to have sex with her there and then.
I just managed to escape from the room but that was just the beginning as she has been on my neck, trying all she can to get me into her pants. I made her know outright that what she is trying to do is called incest but she told me that since she is not directly my mother's sister, there is nothing wrong in having sex with her.
She is coming on so strong and some of my friends whom I have told about the harassment think I am letting go of a great opportunity to have sex with my aunt, saying there is actually nothing wrong in it.
How do I extricate myself from committing incest with my aunt, should i  do  it with  her?
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