FBI Clears Hillary Clinton in New Emails Twist - second time

America’s Democratic Party presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, may now heave a sigh of relief after about 9 harrowing days of watching her campaign take some dent in the wake of a letter written to congress by director of America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), James Comey.

Comey had in his letter suggested that there might have been new mails linked to Clinton that needed to be investigated, therefore appearing to go back on his declaration in July that the former US First Lady had committed no offence.

Shortly after Comey’s letter was made public last week, Republican candidate, Donald Trump and his allies harped on the notion that the investigation into the Clinton emails was set to be reopened.

A twist emerged on Sunday however when the FBI director wrote another letter to Congress to indicate that the Bureau had not changed its previous conclusion that there were not enough grounds to prosecute Clinton.

Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July,” Comey wrote in the new letter to congressional committee chairmen.
Prior to Sunday’s second exoneration of Clinton, it had emerged that the new set of emails being talked about were possibly duplicates of mails earlier assessed by investigators, reports CNN.
The emails were also said to have had little to do with the Democrats presidential candidate herself.
Trump, in reaction to the FBI’s letter on Sunday insisted that Clinton was culpable and that she was being shielded by the FBI.
 The Republican candidate stressed this at a rally after the FBI’s latest announcement, advising Americans that it was up to them to deliver ‘justice’, according to this Report
The Clinton campaign has hinted that it expected the FBI decision and would not comment further on the issue, choosing rather to focus on closing arguments for the Presidential campaign.
It remains to be seen how much effect Mr Comey’s earlier announcement that there were more mails to look at, and Sunday declaration that FBI was maintaining its position, would affect the election results. It had indeed given Trump’s campaign a boost for some days.
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