Pre-colonial era was the Genesis of the issue, all ethnic groups were in isolation with diverse culture and norms.  I wasn't born then but history tells us that we were in a state of partial tranquillity.  
The colonial masters emerged and they showed us another way of living our lives, we embraced their ways and we were amalgamated, then reality dawn on us to co-exist without disparity. 
As time was moving, things were changing, neccesity was laid on us to be preparing toward independent because we felt that the nation will be great if we rule ourselves. 

During Colonization, we were clamouring and yearning for freedom, we weren't okay with the rulership of the colonial masters, we said that "they have failed us"

Independent came and we were all happy, we were so opmistic about the new beginning. We beleived that all our needs and wants will be met as we are being governed by ourselves.

The country was given a name (Nigeria) and Republic approach at the latter.
Highly intellectual leaders started working toward the form of government we are to operate..  Afterwards, the criticism was enormous. We yearn for change and we said that "Parliamentary system of government has failed us"

The military government penetrated and that brought another bone of contention, things were getting tougher, things were looking like blessing in disguise, different coups were planned and political instability in government was rampant. 
A particular military head of state got power to rule and was about to turn to a tyranny, Nigerians started having a second thought about the government, We yearn for change and we said "Military rule has failed us".

Interim government came, we all frown at it and we yearn for change.
On the long run,  DEMOCRACY came and our hope was renewed, happiness filled the heart of Nigerians, we celebrated the new dawn and we set for the reality.
Many vices that have being setting Ambush started emanating from our democracy and Nigerians keep hoping that it will be solved. 
The political vices persisted and it was climaxing, then; Nigerians yearn for change and they said "The then President has failed us".
We tried to be conscious of the type of leader to choose, we proceeded by electing a noble man of valour that has a good reputation but he couldn't make it to the end because death laid his cold hands on him. 
We tried the alternative, we were so sure that our Messiah has arrived, his name, his education, his religion and his reputation prompted us to cast our trust for him by voting for him but at the end, our hope was dash. 

After that, change was in the air and Nigerians can't wait to experience the change so we yearn for a new government and say "Name, Religion, political party, Education and status of our President has failed us"
Nigerians long for the alternative, we intended to try another religion, party, personality, ethnicity and co. So change penetrated and the beginning of the new government cannot be reckon with because opposite of change is all we are experiencing. 
Nigerians are already yearning for real change, we say "The ruling party and elected head is falling us"

It is obvious through the synopsis of Nigeria government that Nigerians are searching for the Messiah, Saviour, Helper that will save us from the long time impediments in the aspect of our government.
We have tried all possible ways to solve the menace but all our effort is ending in futility.  
Many things we thought are the solutions have failed us earnestly. Ethnicity, Religiosity, Political parties, Tribalism, Criticism, Adoption of foreign policy etc have failed us and they will continue to fail us if we don't pass through the right channel for the real change.


A wise man and a successful man is someone who learns from mistakes, flaws, past misconceptions and use them to solve immediate & future problems.
I don't like pointing accusing finger on somebody, I check out the flaws and make it my strength. 
As youths are working, planning and deliberating on how to liberate their nation from the hands of the wicked ones, hope history wont recap after we've won the race and said "We tried the Youths and they also failed us "

To be candid, if we enthrust leadership baton to the youths of our time, I can't phantom the vices that are going to creep into our nation.
If youths also follow and try what our fathers tried then we will still continue to fail as they failed.

The following concepts are part of what will make a real revolution

1. Lets stop trying religion and let us focus on God. Religion has failed us but God will never fail us, lets commit the leadership role to someone who is an ambassador of God on earth and not a religion fanatics.

2. Lets shun discrimination against sex, race, creed, ethnic and status. Our Messiah might not be the most educated man in Nigeria.

3. Stop playing politricks; Politricks is a poison that kills a nation along with the generation to come. Lets be honest in our approach to politics and things will start getting better

4. We should stop putting Unbearable load on our leaders; We should know that everyone's action goes a long way in affecting the country either positively or negatively. Our leaders cant do everything, if am good, you are good and everybody is good... am sure goodness will radiate our country. 

5. Let all be an agent of truth;  Are you standing for justice or injustice? Is favouritism your hobby? Do you still bear it in mind that leadership post is meant for acquisition of wealth?  Do you still live in the past? Are you still pointing accusing fingers on your incompetent leaders?  

Nigeria belongs to all of us and its a collective responsibility to make it good, better and the best.

A secular Artiste said; "Freedom of speech dey I no go dull you but freedom after speech I can't assure you"
I have tried to pass my message across without making a libel or a blackmail. 
If you are hurt with the piece kindly pardon me, Is just that the truth must be said. 

Before a solution can be given, the problems need to be identified, thats why N.Y.F has been created to nurture ourselves to be the Messiah of our dear  country. 
Join N.Y.F today and be a tool for a better Nigeria.

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_from the table of N.Y.F National President_ *Otusegun Tobi A.* (08163716906)

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