The saying goes “Health is Wealth”, observing the following in your eating habit and lifestyle will do a lot for you:

TAKE AS MANY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES  AS YOU CAN: This is one way to indeed stay healthy and fit. Spoil yourself once in a while with a treat of Fruit Salad. Take fresh vegetables also. These two are a good source of vitamins which are a good supplements for healthy living.

EAT MORE FISH:  Fishes are a good source of “Vitamin  D” which is important for healthy bone development. Eat lots of fishes, especially fresh and frozen fishes because they still have the necessary nutrients intact.

CHOOSE STARCHY FOODS OVER FATTY FOODS: Starchy foods contain much fewer calories than fats.  Having all the calories in the world is sure dangerous to your health. Deliberately substitute fatty foods for starchy ones sometimes, this way you stay healthy.

REDUCE SUGAR INTAKE: Cut down  on sweetened foods. This is key to maintaining a buoyant dental health. High sugar intake spurs tooth decay.

DRINK AT LEAST 8 GLASSES OF WATER: No fluid can take the place of water. Water is very crucial to life. Researchers have told us that you can go without food for as long as 40-70 days and still survive but you can`t go without water for more than 4 days and survive. Drink up my friend.

REDUCE YOUR SALT INTAKE: Too much salt intake is injurious to the heart. Excessive intake of Salt results in Heart attack and other related diseases. One way to ensure this is to reduce the intake of canned food as well as cooking salt/table salt.

Staying healthy is your responsibility. Eat the right stuff and you may never have to fall sick again. Stay cautious!   
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